Hey Everyone,
Matt did us the favor of breaking the ice, so let's back him up with some intros!
My name's Ian, and I'm a 3D Character Modeler in Oakland, CA. Learning to paint to build on drawing and storytelling, as well as to develop a better eye for light. Bobby's very cool piece got my attention in the Totoro Forest Project (heyyyy... after Textures 1 we sort of know how he did that!), so it's great to be a part of his class.
Would love to see this site turn into a critique area for In-Progress work leading up to each deadline; we could all learn a lot adding that experience.

Bobby reviewed my take on Flex and offered a very helpful critique: I got caught up with brushes and transitions and lost track of the bigger forms. Also pushed the contrast a bit too far, but hey, lesson learned.
...and this is what I've done since the Sun last saw me: